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Join Us in No Mow May!

May marks the beginning of a movement we absolutely love – No Mow May. It's a time when we step back and let nature take the lead in our green spaces. At Copper Beech Glamping, we're proud to be part of this movement, prioritising sustainability and biodiversity on our glampsite, something we are really passionate about. 

Since the 1930s, we've witnessed the disappearance of around 97% of flower-rich meadows. Along with them, crucial food sources for pollinators like bees and butterflies have vanished. With over 20 million gardens in the UK alone, our collective efforts in managing even the smallest patches of grass can yield significant benefits for nature, communities, and the climate. 

By simply refraining from mowing your lawn throughout May and beyond, you're contributing to a ripple effect of positive change. Longer grass and wildflowers create vital habitats for insects and small animals, while also absorbing pollutants and locking away carbon beneath the soil.

At Copper Beech Glamping, we embrace No Mow May, allowing most areas of our grass to grow long, nurturing biodiversity and supporting the delicate balance of our local ecosystem.

Are you taking part in No Mow May this year?

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